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Stay Up to Date and In Charge of Your Child Using a Parental Control App



Parental Control App

While it may seem like the end of the world with toddlers stumbling around wreaking havoc in the house and crying on top of their lungs every time they are hungry or need a diaper change, trust me, the real challenges of parenthood haven’t even begun to present themselves yet.

The Real Challenge

The real challenge begins when the infant starts to talk and demand and reject toys and food and clothes. When they really start to challenge your patience is as they grow older, and be warned-this challenging game-it doesn’t stop and there are so many levels to go before you can finally relax.


As the parent of an infant, it is of utmost importance to stay vigilant around them and about them for the better part of the day. Since this is one of those ages where they are totally reliant on parents for the most basic of necessities, infancy does keep parents on their feet.

Having your child get busy somewhere like on an electronic device watching cartoons or playing games may seem like a blessing for the time being but if they are left with these devices for too long, their nerve cells might take greater damage in the long run. One extreme is that such cases are likely to sometimes end in growth and developmental problems.


Often referred to as the pre-teen stage, this phase is a precursor to the upcoming teen years. While parents try to console themselves by thinking that this tantrum stage will be over soon, yet another, more difficult phase begins.


Known worldwide to be the most difficult age for both teenagers themselves as well as their parents, teenage upholds its’ reputation by giving both children and their parents a particularly hard time.

Teenage years mark the exposure of children to the real, practical world. The harsh standards are thrust upon their shoulders, crushing them between maintaining parental trust and being seen as friend material in peer groups by acting on trend at the same time.

Why is it Important to Stay Updated Regarding Your Children?

Children are new to the world that their parents have been in for a while and hence sometimes understandably have a hard time understanding things from their parent’s perspective until they reach adulthood and experience the world in a similar light.

Parents worry about their kids and want them to remain safe, but what if, due to bad peer influence, your child got sucked into drug addiction? Wouldn’t you blame yourself? Of course, you would, but you can save yourself all that regret later if you get involved in your children’s lives now and make sure they are not led astray.

How to Remain Confident Regarding Your Child’s Activities

Raising them right is a challenge but it is one that can be braved. While trusting your children is a precursor to raising teens and earning their trust in return, it is important to let them know they have to maintain this trust and that there are certain prerequisites to doing so.

Checking their homework at times and having a certain target percentage for every test score is something that harms no one. Not only does doing this make your children feel cared for, but it also lets them know there are certain things they have to achieve, certain rules they have to follow.

Don’t set an unrealistically high standard but also don’t let them get off the hook too easy. Set a curfew time and make sure they’re home by then.

The Best Parental Supervision Tool

In subtle ways, let them know that you trust them but that they also have to keep their record clean for you to keep doing so.

Use a FamilyTime Android parental control app to help you keep check and balance on your children’s activities. FamilyTime is the easiest to download and install android parental control app and happens to be compatible with iOS software too. The free trial version is available on App Store and Play Store but can be upgraded to one of the four premium packages as the user pleases.

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